Tuesday, April 19, 2011

@allisonmdans's 20 "Musts" for NYC Summer 2011

So, in honor of our upcoming sojourn into the big city, inspired by the lovely Hilary Shepherd's (@theHBS) blog of the same topic, I thought it would be fun for all the girls and I to make lists of the top 20 things we want to do, see, or experience in NYC, and then compare notes. I'm fortunate in that I've visited NYC 3 times before, so I've done most of the super-touristy things. I can't wait to hit the next level. Anyway, I'm sure there are more than 20 for everyone... But here are the ones I've got so far!

1. Go to Topshop (I've done this before, but once is NOT enough). I anticipate about a trip a week...
2. Hang out with Leandra Medine (@manrepeller on twitter). She's my inspiration.
3. Learn the subway system like the back of my hand. I found an umbrella at modcloth.com with a map of it! I think I'm going to need to be purchasing that ASAP. Who cares if I look like a weirdo walking around with an umbrella when it's sunny? I WILL NEVER BE LATE.
4. Eat in the famed Conde Nast cafeteria. "You do know cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder?"
5. Stalk fashion's elite (Wintour, Lagerfeld, Coddington, Leibowitz)
6. Visit The Museum of Sex, The Museum of Modern Art, and the cutting edge kid sister of MoMA, the P.S.1 (which also, awesomely hosts a free weekly dance party and, duh, shares a name with Proenza Schouler's It Bag).
7. Buy a pair of Louboutins (not necessarily new).
8. Eat at Serendipity (again). Because, like Topshop, once is never enough!
9. Spend at least one afternoon lounging and people-watching in Central Park.
10. Go to a great Broadway show (perhaps Rock of Ages?). I haven't seen one since Beauty & The Beast in 5th grade.
11. Attend a movie premiere (preferably one with a red carpet involved). Sneaking in counts.
12. Befriend a celebrity. Seeing as my placement in the alliances department puts me in direct contact with the faces of the brand, I've got my eye on Ashley Greene ;)
13. Take a class (or a hundred) at Soul Cycle. Nicole Miller says it's swimming with fashion people!
14. Meet. Gwyneth. Paltrow. Or possibly just mumble gibberish at her.
15. Go to Shakespeare in Central Park (preferably both plays). It's free in case you didn't know!
16. Go to the epic Buffalo Exchange that my darling Rachel Martino constantly raves about.
17. Check out Dean & DeLuca, Whole Foods, and Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola in Time Warner Center.
18. Check out a Woody Allen retrospective or some other such magnificence at The Film Forum.
19. Try on (and fondle) something by Alexander McQueen...preferably at Bergdorf Goodman.
20. Go to a show at The Bowery Ballroom.

So there's my 20 :) I'm sure I'll discover endless other things I want to do as soon as I arrive, not end up doing half of the things on this list, and have a million experiences I could never have imagined. But writing the list was a great way to get me even more excited about my impending move!

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